Life is such an adventure and we never stop learning. Sometimes the lessons are tough but always they can help us grow stronger.

I have spoken about the books I have been writing and my desire to help people become their best selves. My clients are my gift as I gain so much when I see them grow and discover life through a new lens.
Over a year ago, I was given a strong message that I must write a book about grief. The feeling was so strong and I set about writing from my heart and from my own experience. Soon it became clear that there were so many kinds of grief and I am so grateful for those who trusted me enough to include their stories. So, “Rainbows through Cobwebs Finding your ‘Fabulous’ again…and again.” was born. I have much gratitude for the cover my friend Theo Gard allowed me to use. I had wanted to include the grief he shared with me on losing his beloved dogs. It was a lengthy interview and so much more transpired which is in the book. Following our interview, Theo was inspired to paint what is now the cover, with his title ‘Rainbows through Cobwebs’. This really stirred my heart as I have been watching his rainbow becoming clearer through the cobwebs of his life.
The story about Kerri, “From despair back to dancing queen” is inspiring as are the stories of so many others. Matt, finding his tribe after grief; Donna overcoming grief to build a school against all odds; Josephine creating miracles in Indigenous communities after many setbacks; Suzette losing so much through polio and abuse; Shirley shining through the grief of identity and inspiring her son who became a quadriplegic through a football accident and many other vignettes from special people who have helped me work through grief and PTSD in a way I never imagined. One of my favourite stories was written by Tatia Power who struggled to find her identity causing her to suffer a grief that is common to so many people.
Each of the people written about in the book are continually finding their own fabulous and have risen above their grief.
On my vision board I wrote that I was going to become a Hay House writer and speaker. I felt I had ben given some indications of the possibility of this happening. I have had thirty books published by Longman, Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press – but I had a dream to become a Hay House author and set about doing everything possible to make it so. In the past my vision board has become a reality. Answers were given but not always in the way I had envisioned. This is happening again. Yes – I was listening to a promise that was never made, and I have felt so let down and rather betrayed. However, I know that my vision will still take place in another form which is already beginning to reveal itself.
I am now setting about improving my website and making it easier for people to buy my books and interact with me. I also had a children’s book published at the same time as Rainbows. I’ll write about that in the next blog.
Below is an excerpt from a press release put out by the publisher: Grief is no stranger to many people. Lyn Traill’s new self-help book, “Rainbows through Cobwebs: Finding Your ‘Fabulous’ again…and again”, challenges people to find that they can rise again, even from the depths of their despair.
“Rainbows through Cobwebs” is not just about how to deal with grief. It discusses how people can move past all forms of grief and the things they’ve done that they’re not proud of. Traill wants to inspire readers to reach deep down into their soul to find that beautiful something that will ignite the best of them so they can truly find their “fabulous.” The end of each chapter presents “healing toolboxes” for additional encouragement.