Another amazing month has passed and I can’t help reflect on the difference I am feeling compared to this time last year when I felt that I was just marking time. As I review my previous blogs, I remember how hard I tried to forge past the grief of losing a loved one and all the baggage that comes attached. I felt like I would never feel normal again and then one day I woke up and found that I did feel different. I had lost that awful gnawing feeling that those who have suffered depression are familiar with and was now able to view my life with more hope and an ambition to make the most of whatever life I had left.
My experience has proven to me that once we set down our purpose and do what we can, we then allow the universe, or whatever force we follow, to work out the way toward our goal, then amazing things can happen. Even last year when I was in a very sorry state, I wrote on my vision board that I wanted Hay House to recognise my book – a rather unlikely happening in normal circumstances. Nothing happened until September last year when I had an unexpected phone call from Hay House telling me that they loved my book and would give me some free publicity. Now it didn’t go a long way further than that, other than some radio interviews and magazine articles, but I met some special people. The whole experience has opened up new doors that seemed utterly impossible a year ago.
As I pondered about my vision for this year in January, I decided that if I was going to return to any corporate work, I would specify exactly what I wanted to do. I chose the components that I will always love – diagnostic processes and coaching. Unexpectedly I was given the opportunity to undertake some diagnostic work with a large organisation which has led to some interesting coaching. Other doors have opened since and I have had to learn to say no.
A lovely surprise a few weeks ago came totally out of the blue. A phone call from an organisation in America called “Focus on Women” rang to tell me that I had won an award for my book. I had written an article for them last year and they had sold my book on their website. They asked if I could be there in October to receive the award. It was all very exciting and I wanted desperately to go but when I reviewed the commitments I had already made for the next few months and also with some pressure from my family, I declined the invitation. When they asked what they could do to get me there I had to say, “Replicate me!” That sounds pompous, but it would be the only way I could make the trip. I have promised to go next year.
Following a very successful trip to Thailand (That’s me in Thailand with my son and daughter) I have committed myself to completing the Karaoke Nursery Rhyme project which still needs a great deal of work and I plan to return there at the end of October. It is important that I keep servicing my clients and I also intend to keep my commitment to Ande and our editor to complete the first draft of our book by the end of October. My promise to myself to write regular blogs has fallen by the wayside but I will recommit! Life is great as I am busy making up for lost time!