Early in the year I completed my vision board for the 2013, something I do every January. My life looked so bleak at that time, I had no idea how any of my vision could come to fruition but I know if you don’t put it out there nothing will happen.
One of my dearest wishes was that Hay House might recognise my book and last week I was delighted to receive a call from Leon, CEO of Hay House, Sydney. He was quite effusive about the book and very encouraging. He told me that they were going to use it in a trial publicity campaign. I had already spoken to a national USA radio program and had a confirmation that the book would be showcased at the international book fair in Toronto.
This seemed like a miracle as all of the months I was ill I had done very little promotion, however, a publicity campaign arranged by Balboa last year, and postponed until this year, has proven to be very successful. Now it is up to me to follow through.